“由 ProvideSupport.com 提供”链接在账户激活时可以按照需要移除。您可以向我们的支持聊天人员发送这一请求。请注意该链接包含您的会员链接,可能给您带来一些被推荐人。如果您的账户是试用或试用过期状态,该链接不能移除。
“由 ProvideSupport.com 提供”链接在账户激活时可以按照需要移除。您可以向我们的支持聊天人员发送这一请求。请注意该链接包含您的会员链接,可能给您带来一些被推荐人。如果您的账户是试用或试用过期状态,该链接不能移除。
No. To start using our service in trial mode you just need to enter your desired login name, password and a valid email address. When your trial expires (after 10 days) you will be able to choose a subscription package and submit payment.
是的,在试用期间您可以创建任意数量的操作员配置文件。要添加操作员配置文件,请打开账户控制面板中的“我的账户/操作员和部门”页面并单击“New Operator(新操作员)”链接。
如果您计划使用网络版操作员控制面板,则不需安装附加软件。但您可以根据您的操作系统下载并安装用于 Windows、Mac 或 Linux 的单机版控制面板。
We also offer mobile live chat apps for iPhone and Android.
您可以简单地将一小段聊天按钮的 HTML 脚本粘贴到您网站的源代码内,并上载到网络服务器的加载页面。如果您的客户点击聊天按钮,该代码会从您的服务器加载访客弹出信使。
我们的系统设计用于基于任何技术的任何网站。如果您的 CMS 允许在网站上添加 HTML 代码或和 javascript,就可以在网站上增加聊天功能。如果您的 CMS 禁止 javascript,您仍然可以使用专门的非脚本代码在网站上添加聊天功能,但访客监控和聊天邀请等有些功能会不可用。
1. 在我们的系统上创建一个账户(参见 我怎样注册?)
2. 使用注册期间设置的登录名和密码登录至您的控制面板账户。
3. 打开我的账户/聊天按钮代码页面,根据您的需要选择代码版本。图形聊天按钮代码是最受欢迎的。
4. 复制聊天按钮代码并将其粘贴到您的网站源代码。聊天按钮就会显示在您的页面上。
You just need insert your chat button code. We do not limit the number of domains, you can add your chat button to any number of websites.
1. 从下载页面下载操作员控制面板并将安装到您的电脑,或使用 https://op.providesupport.com 上的网络版操作员控制面板。
2. 使用账户控制面板、我的账户/操作员和部门页面上您的账户名、操作员登录名和操作员密码登录到操作员控制面板。
系统位于我们的服务器上,不需安装任何程序到您的网络服务器。因此您的网络服务器采用任意配置。单机版操作员控制面板应该安装在操作员电脑上。单机版控制面板的硬件要求不像应用程序那么严格,不需要太多资源。在线客服系统和网络版操作员控制面板不依赖硬件配置,可以在 Windows、Linux 和 MacOS 操作系统的浏览器上运行。
The agent apps (both the web-based and the downloadable versions) and the Live Chat Window works on Windows, Linux and Mac-OS, iOS and Android.
Native agent app version 7.x supports any version of Windows starting from Windows 7 and Mac OS starting from Mac OS 10.13. Older native agent versions support any version of Windows starting from Windows 98 and Mac OS starting from Mac-OS X 10.4. Native console installers are available for the following Linux platforms: Debian Etch, Ubuntu 7+, OpenSUSE 10+, Mandriva, Fedora, CentOS. For all other Linux platforms you can download *.tgz file for manual installation.
Mobile versions of operator console are avaiable for iOS and Android.
Web-based Operator Console and live chat window support most of browsers currently in use.
是的,我们的系统完全支持操作员和访客双方使用 Mac-OS。对于操作员有单机版和网络版操作员控制面板两种应用程序可用,单机版可从下载页面上下载,网络版则请参见 https://op.providesupport.com。单机版操作员控制面板可用于 MacOS X 10.4 之后的 Mac-OS。在线客服系统完全兼容 Mac-OS。
是的,我们的系统完全支持操作员和访客双方使用不同版本的 Linux。对于操作员有单机版和网络版操作员控制面板两种应用程序可用,单机版可从下载页面上下载,网络版则请参见 https://op.providesupport.com。本地单机版操作员控制面板安装程序可用于以下 Linux 平台:Debian Etch、Ubuntu 7+、OpenSUSE 10+、Mandriva、Fedora。对于任何其他 Linux 平台,您可以下载 *.tgz 文件,手动进行安装。在线客服系统完全兼容 Linux。
Our chat window is fully compatible and optimized to work on mobile devices. For operators we offer convenient mobile apps for iPhone and Android.
是的。您可以定义访客在点击聊天按钮后要填写的字段。您可以添加:简单的文本栏,用于填写电子邮件地址等短文;文本区,用于客户问题描述等长文;允许您的客户选择特定部门或操作员的字段;以及国家和地区下拉选择器(如果您需要知道客户的位置)。 Additionally, you can create custom drop-down lists for your customers to choose needed details.
Yes, you can create custom drop-down lists so that your customers could choose the needed options.
Only one language customization is possible per account. If you need to have different language customizations for your chat window, you would need to purchase separate accounts and choose one translation per account.
Your offline messages are sent to the account profile if no email for offline messages was specified on the Account Settings / Offline Settings page. For offline departments, such requests are sent to the department email.
是的。在您的控制面板内输入“open: www.some-address.com”(不带引号),就会在您客户电脑上的一个单独浏览器窗口内打开该页面,除非您的客户使用了弹出阻止程序。该地址也会高亮显示在消息区内并且可点击。为免于输入,您可以采用“open:”和“goto:”命令为最常使用的网络地址创建预制消息。
Yes, you can block a specific IP, a range of IPs or specific URL from the Account Settings / Chat Access Restrictions page in your account Control Panel. Additionally, you can limit chat button displaying to specific region.
You can also block IPs of abusive callers directly from your desktop agent app, if this permission is enabled for you.
Yes, you can easily limit or allow access your chat from specific countries in your account Control Panel on the Account Settings / Chat Access Restrictions page
Yes, you can limit access to your chat by website URL in your account Control Panel on the Account Settings / Chat Access Restrictions page
Yes, you can use Forced logout option on the My Account / Operators and Departments page in your account Control Panel.
很遗憾,不能。您必须在拍卖页面中添加 Java script。当前 eBay 规定不允许在拍卖页面源代码中使用 Java script。
可以。我们有一个特殊版本的 HTML 代码,可以添加到您的网站页面,阻止显示聊天按钮。该代码可参见聊天按钮代码/访客监控隐藏代码页面。
我们的系统只支持文本消息。VoIP 和视频现在尚不可用。
Unfortunately no, the chat button can be connected to the whole account.
Phone icon is part of our website design, it is not connected to chat. However, we can provide an image by request for active (paying) accounts.
Yes, you can easily do this with help of basic HTML formatting which is allowed in your system messages
Ctrl+Shift+S | 切换控制面板状态(在线/离开) |
Ctrl+Shift+L | 登录/登出控制面板 |
Ctrl+O | 打开控制面板选项窗口 |
Сtrl+P | 打开控制面板操作员管理器窗口 |
Ctrl+F | 打开查找对话(在访客选项卡打开时有效) |
Ctrl+R | 打开预制回复窗口 |
Ctrl+G | 粘贴所选预制回复(在预制回复 Ctrl+窗口打开时有效) |
Ctrl+D | 发送所选预制回复(在预制回复窗口打开时有效) |
Ctrl+E | 在聊天选项卡之间进行切换(至少打开 2 个聊天室时有效) |
Ctrl+T | 在信息窗口内的选项卡之间进行切换 |
Ctrl+Shift+A | 接受聊天请求(需要先切换至聊天室再接受) |
Ctrl+Shift+D | 拒绝聊天请求(需要先切换至聊天室再拒绝)。不会向该访客显示操作员系统消息。 |
Ctrl+Shift+X | 关闭当前聊天室 |
Ctrl+S | 打开发送文件窗口(在至少一个聊天室打开时有效) |
For this you would need to follow Options / Notifications tab in your console and enable “Direct sound” play sound method
You can easily do this on the Account Settings / Images page. However, if you store the image on your server and generated the chat button code for custom images, you would need to update images on your server. While doing this ensure that your old links remain functional. Otherwise you would need to generate a new chat button code with your new links to images.
是的。您放置在网站每个页面上的 HTML 代码可以稍有不同,这样即可达到这一要求。该代码会包含您想在网站每个特定页面上设置的在线和离线聊天按钮地址。
是的。我们的系统可以用于采用任何技术创建的静态和动态页面(HTML、PHP、ASP、JSP、CGI 及其他),也可以用于所有类型的托管。我们还有一个版本的聊天按钮代码,可以放置在安全页面上,不会出现浏览器警告。您可以选择通过安全连接运行您所有的聊天会话。
You can get the direct link to your chat window on the My Account / Chat Button Codes page where you need to choose "Direct link to your chat window".
可以。如果您使用的是 Microsoft Outlook 等发送 HTML 格式邮件的邮件界面,您要选择正文底部的来源选项卡,将我们的推介 HTML 代码粘贴到邮件的源代码内。如果您在插入代码后选择了编辑选项卡,您会看到聊天按钮。然后您可以将按钮拖到所需的位置。如果您发送的基于文本的邮件,只需将该链接粘贴至电子邮件:http://messenger.providesupport.com/messenger/<your account name>.html
Yes. You could use a direct link to your messenger. You will find it in your account Control Panel on the My Account / Chat Button Codes / Direct Link to Your Chat Window. This link will allow you to chat with your clients but some popular features won't be available, such as visitor monitoring and pro-active chat invitations. To fully benefit from the system we usually recommend using our standard codes provided on the Chat Button Codes page.
Yes, the statistics module has its own URL and password. You can create a separate password in the Account Settings -> Chat Statistics section of your account control panel. Then provide your colleague with this link to view reports: https://stats.providesupport.com. They will need to enter your account name and the separate statistics password to log in.
Yes, you can view average rates per agent and per department. However, please note that these reports are available only for standard surveys. If you've uploaded your own custom survey, you won't be able to see its data in the statistics module.
Currently, reports are available only for standard surveys. If you are using a custom survey, the corresponding columns in your reports will display "0."
This metric shows the relative workload of a support agent. It is calculated by dividing the number of chats handled by the agent by the total number of chats.
For more details on each metric available in the Stats module, please visit our user manual.
A "missed chat" is one that was either never accepted by the agent or was accepted after the visitor had already left. This metric is relevant only for chat distribution methods that route chat requests to specific agents. If your chat distribution method is set to "To All," you will not see "missed chats" in your agent and department reports. In this case, if no one accepted the chat, it means that everyone missed it, making it impossible to attribute to any specific agent or department. You will see this metric only on the company level.
This symbol appears when there is no department selection field on your pre-chat form, or when this field is not mandatory. In this case, the chat cannot be attributed to a specific department and is therefore directed to an undefined department, marked as "~."
Yes, we have a statistics API available in our GitHub account.
If you see a blank screen or errors when trying to refresh data, please try clearing cache and local storage in your browser.
We are working on this feature and it will be available soon. At the present moment, images and other files can be downloaded only during the chat. Once the chat session is closed, the files are removed from our server, so they can't be viewed or downloaded from the chat transcript.
We are working on this feature and it will be available soon. Currently, you can only filter transcripts by date, customer name, agent name, and other fields available in the transcripts app.
Please try clearing cache and local storage in your browser.
Chat transcripts start being saved on our servers only after you enable this feature for your account, so you won't be able to see past chats in the Transcripts app. You can still view them in your email if this option has been enabled in your settings.
There is no possibility to set up a separate password for the transcripts app, but as a workaround, your colleague can receive all chat transcripts by email. You need just to enable transcript sending and add their email on the Account Settings -> Chat Transcripts page in your account settings.
If the chat is shown in the Transcript app, but you can't see its text on the right side, it means that the chat hasn't been closed yet.
If you'd like to export transcripts with their full text, it can be done only by exporting to TXT. If you export them to XLSX format, you will see only their headers with the date, customer name, agent name and other data you normally see in the transcripts table.
To view post-chat survey results, select the chat transcript and switch to the Client Data tab on the right.
Secure connection is enabled by default in all new accounts. If it's not enabled in your account and your conversations contain sensitive information, you can enable it in your account Control Panel, Account Settings / Connection page.
Chat transcripts and offline emails are sent over an encrypted channel by default in all accounts.
我们的系统采用标准 HTTP 或 HTTPS(80 或 443 端口)工作,不使用任何传入连接。它不需端口映射/转发规则即可在任何您能使用 Internet Explorer 或 Netscape 浏览器的网页上运行。如果您遇到任何与我们的服务有关的问题,请让我们知道,我们会找到解决方案。
没有设置费,也没有合同费和额外付费。只有每月的服务费,可以每月、每季度、每半年或每年支付。 季度、半年和每年订购套餐可分的折扣。
是的。如果您预订了我们的收费服务,我们的系统会在您的账户中设置自动循环扣款。根据您选择的订购套餐不同,每 1、3、6 或 12 个月,在您下一账单周期开始时会通过您的信用卡自动支付。您随时均可取消订购,不会因取消收取任何附加费。
You will need to create your new operator profiles on the My Account / Operators and Departments page in your account Control Panel.
账单周期从您订购我们的一个付费订购套餐时开始。您可以选择每月、每季度、每半年或每年的账单周期。 长期订阅可为您提供大幅折扣。
我们根据账户中的操作员配置文件收费。这意味着如果您购买了一个 3 位操作员的套餐,您可以在账户中创建 3 个操作员配置文件,为每个配置文件进行一系列自定义,如名称、登录名、密码、电子邮件、图片、字体等。您所有的操作员均可同时在线。
Unfortunately no, our payment plan limits the number of operator profiles created in the account. If you need more personalized profiles for your agents you would need to upgrade.
Our system charges the card on file only once. If the attempt failed, you would need to submit payment manually while/after updating your card details or contact us in our support chat and we will charge the card from our side.
如果您有 Visa 或 MasterCard 借记卡,您可以在我们的网站上进行在线支付。不过,如果您只有银联卡,您可以通过将其关联到 PayPal 的方式支付。请从此处查找使用这种支付方式的更多相关信息https://www.paypal.com/c2/webapps/mpp/faqs-china-unionpay-payments?locale.x=zh_C2.可以在帐户的控制面板中选择 PayPal 支付方式。
您不能更换系统的商标,只能通过我们的会员程序以 Provide Support 商标提供系统。请阅读会员页面上与此有关的更多信息。
您的会员链接如下:https://www.providesupport.com/partner/your-account-name 或 https://www.providesupport.com/p/your-account-name,您只需要用您真正的账户名取代 your-account-name。
请检查您发布在页面上的聊天按钮代码是否与您的账户控制面板中提供的代码完全一致。有时候网站架构服务或托管提供商会导致代码被破坏或修改。如果代码未修改,请检查它是否插入到了您页面的 <body>...</body> 标记之间。如果代码未修改,而且正确插入,那么应该起作用。否则最可能的原因就是您的特定网站与代码不兼容。如果是这样,请联系我们的支持聊天人员,请他们帮忙解决问题。
我们的系统可以按照 3 个级别发送副本:公司级别、部门级别、操作员级别。最可能的原因是您的账户中启用了向多个级别发送副本。请检查账户设置/聊天副本页面、操作员和部门页面上操作员配置文件和部门配置文件中的这些设置。如果您想接收所有的副本到一个电子邮件地址,请只启用公司级别的功能。如果您想根据操作员/部门将副本接收到不同的电子邮件,请只启用操作员/部门级别的功能。
聊天邀请显示在一个图层内,可能与您网站的其他图层冲突,可能被隐藏或误放。要修复这一错误,请从聊天代码中剪切第一个 DIV(看上去像 <div id="ciXXXX" style="z-index:100;position:absolute"></div>其中 ciXXXX 是随机字符集,根据代码不同而不同)并粘贴到您页面上的打开 BODY 标签后。然后在您的网站服务器上发布这些更改并检查结果。如果这没有帮助,请联系我们的支持聊天人员解决问题。